


姓名: 徐立偉
辦公室電話: 07-8060505#31407
學歷: 美國哈佛大學法學院談判課程
職稱: 教授
研究專長: 英文教學、專業英文、語言測驗、研究方法、博弈事業人才培訓
學年度 期刊等級 論文名稱(篇名)
112SCI,Effect of ambient scent temperature on food choice: perspectives from the construal-level theory and sensory marketing
112其他,Exploring the Effects of Risk Perceptions and Depression of Young Travelers on Destination Trust in the COVID-19 Pandemic.
112SSCI,Exploring the transformative travel process: testing the moderating role of travel motivation and the mediating role of self-reflection of solo travelers.
111SSCI,Halal-Friendly Attributes and Muslims’ Visit Intention: Exploring the Roles of Perceived Value and Destination Trust.
111SSCI,How does emoji feedback affect the learning effectiveness of EFL learners? Neuroscientific insights for CALL research.
111SSCI,Exploring visit intention to India among Southeast Asian solo female travelers.
110SSCI,Enhancing EFL learners’ self-efficacy beliefs of learning English with emoji feedbacks in CALL: Why and How.
110SSCI,EFL Learners’ Self-Determination and Acceptance of LMOOCs: The UTAUT Model.
104SSCI,Diffusion of Innovation and Use of Technology in Hospitality Education:An Empirical Assessment with Multilevel Analyses of Learning Effectiveness
104SSCI,Modelling determinants for the integration of Web2.0 technologies into hospitality education:A Taiwanese Case
104SSCI,An empirical examination of EFL learners' perceptual learning styles and acceptance of ASR-based computer-assisted pronunciation training
103SSCI,Work motivation, job burnout, and employment aspiration in hospitality and tourism
102SSCI,Effectiveness of English for Specific Purposes Courses for Non-English Speaking Students of Hospitality and Tourism : A Latent Growth Curve Analysis.
102SSCI,An Epistemological Analysis on the Application of Online Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) Programme in Tourism Education.
101SSCI,Web 3D Simulation-Based Application in Tourism Education: A Case Study with Second Life.
101SSCI,English as a foreign language learners’ perception of mobile assisted language learning: a cross-national study.
100其他, Indicators of English Communicative Competence for EFL Learners in Taiwan—A Fuzzy Delphi Method.
100SSCI,Learning tourism English on mobile phones: How does it work?
100SSCI,The perceptual learning styles of hospitality students in a virtual learning environment: The case of Taiwan
100其他,To be computerized or not to be? A study on EFL learners’ perceptions towards various modes of delivery in English tests through analytic hierarchy process
100其他,Applications of generalizability theory to estimate the reliability of EFL learners’ performance-based assessment: A preliminary study
100其他,A Qualitative Analysis on the Occurrence of Learned Helplessness among EFL Students
99其他,Learning Gaming English by Prospective Casino Dealers in Taiwan: An Explorative Study
99SSCI,A Cross-Cultural Study on Consumers’ Level of Acceptance toward Marketing Innovativeness
99其他,Modeling Factors that Influence Taiwanese Hospitality Students’ English Communicative Competence.
98其他,A Study on the Relationship between Taiwanese EFL Students’ Motivation and Their Participation in Learning Activities
97其他,Taiwanese Hospitality Major College Students’ English Reading Strategies in English for Specific Purpose Courses
96其他,Cross Analysis on the Contents of Children’s Television Commercials in he United States and Taiwan
96其他,Critical Period Hypothesis and Taiwanese Elementary School Students English Learning
96其他,Gender Differences and Taiwanese Elementary School Students’ Authenticity of English Pronunciation
95其他,The Impact of No Child Left behind Act toward Elementary School Foreign Language Programs in the United States and Its Implication to English Education at Elementary Level in Taiwan.
95其他,The Correlation between Taiwanese Elementary School Students’ Learning Motivation and English Attainment